Albrecht AE485
INTEK Multicom-485
Dragon SS-485
Realistic TRC-485
Magnum 257
Titan RSPY 485
Superstar 4800
Superstar 4900+

Old PCB with 12 Watt RF Power
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RV1: RX-Meter
RV2: Squelch
RV3: TX-Frequency
RV4: AM/FM Power
RV5: AM Modulation
RV7: TX-Meter
RV8: Finale 100mA
RV9: Driver 50mA
RV10: DC Power
RV201: FM Modulation
T11: AM 10.6950MHz
T12: USB 10.6925MHz
T13: LSB 10.6975MHz
New PCB with 25 Watt RF Power
Click on parts to view parts description
Albrecht AE-485S HAM-Radio Schematic Diagram (PDF)Albrecht SS-485 HAM-Radio Schematic Diagram (PDF)
General programming guidance of LC7232 devices with Seung Yong CPU SYSTEM SY202/SY204.
The processors SYSTEM 202 (204) with label Seung Yong are customized mask-programmed CPU's on base of the LC 72322 CPU from Sanyo.
Programming are those pin 32, 33, 34 of the CPU.
The indicated bridges must be manufactured from the links indicated in each case to +5 Volt or GND.
Frequency extension to 454 Channels
AE 485 can be switched temporarily from frequency mode 28-29.7 MHz into "channel mode".After the conversion, the radio can be used from 25.165 MHz to 29.695 MHz.
It may happen that the transceiver operate with lessperformance (output and sensitivity) or does even not lock in on all frequencies outside of the specified amateur radio range.
Just press FUNCTION button, then press "2" and hold this key pressed for about 3 seconds. Release button and the unit works on 454 Channels until the radiowill be later switched off again.If You have once switched to 454 channels, You can also toggle between channel number and frequency display by pressing FUNCTION + 2, but this onlyby touching the call button for short time.
Enables Full Coverage on FCC/Export CB Frequencies
This modification will enable the Albrecht 485/Magnum 257 to be used in full coverage mode (ie. FCC Frequencies and 10 metre band). - Hook up radio to power and turn on for a minimum of 10 seconds.
- Turn off radio and disconnect from all power sources.
- Remove Bottom cabinet cover.
- Remove (unsolder) Diode D2. This is the only Non-Surface mount component
found in this area. - Reset the radio CPU by temporarily shorting the two front panel circuit
board pads located near Just Right of Black Potentiometer. - Hook the radio back up to power and turn on the radio.
- Press the FUNC button, then press and hold the CALL button for approx. 3
seconds. The band indicator will appear on LCD. - Use the CALL button to select bands.
- To switch between channel and frequency display, press the FUNC button and
press the CALL button. - When turned off and on again, the radio will always default to original 10
meter settings. - To automatically return to last used frequency and mode,
press the FUNC button and then press and hold the CALL button for approx. 3

Click the diagram on the right to see
the location of Diode D2 and enlarge picture.