Albrecht AE4500 AE4522 CB-Radio
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AE4522 Modification
Conversion instructions AE4522 for export purposes these Swiss version, 22
channels FM+AM 0,5 Watts, can be reequipped on 40 channels and on the today
usual 4 Watts of FM and 1 Watt AM
AM FM switch changes
(necessary for more performance) behind the front screen a bridge as drawn
between the free, not occupied link of the AM/FM switch and the yellow line (+)
Modifications at the addition circuit board for more performance
connection at the emitter of the power transistor as in the transmitter the addition
circuit board marked, split. Connection of the left conductive strip (rosa wire or
rudder 10 to split place manufacture).
The upper interface serves AM+FM for the change on 40 channels: Hereby the
connection is interrupted by SD 4.
Modification at the motherboard at the base
of the output stage should be bridged for full performance R115. Without
modification approx. 0,6 / 3,2 Watts are attainable, with modification approx. 1,2 /
4,8 Watts
Note: The Swiss permission applies only to the original state with 0.5
Watts. With the export you consider please the legal regulations in the individual